DUSHANBE, 27.09.2024 (NIAT Khovar) – On September 27, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Leader of the Nation, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, and the Chairman of the Majlisi milli Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan, Mayor of Dushanbe, Honorable Rustam Emomali, got acquainted with the progress of construction works at the dam of «Rogun» hydropower plant.

In this place, at an altitude of 1140 meters to 1300 meters from the sea level, the blasting and earth extraction works, the total project volume of which is 880 thousand cubic meters, have been completed.

Installation of iron anchors has been completed by 80%, pressure anchors by 85%, and reinforcement and concrete laying by 81%.

Currently, the reinforcement works on the permanent water intakes of the project are ongoing, and the goal of the workers and specialists is directed to the high-quality performance of the indicators.

The total volume of concrete works in this area includes 55 thousand cubic meters, 80% of which have been completed so far.

In the area of the core of the dam, work is being carried out around the clock in two shifts, and more than 160 powerful machines and mechanisms are mobilized every day. About 400 people work only in the core area of the power plant dam.

In the core of the power plant dam, 6 types of basic construction materials are laid layer by layer in accordance with the technology, and the quality of the work is checked daily.

Currently, the laying of materials, including alumina and filters in the core of the dam at the level of 1013 meters above the sea level is going on. The projected volume of alumina in the core of the dam is 7.5 million cubic meters, and more than 561 thousand cubic meters have been laid to date.

A total of 21 million cubic meters of various construction materials have been laid in the core area of the dam during the year.

In a day, on average, the dam of the power plant is raised about 50 centimeters.

This year, the water level in the reservoir has been raised by 5 meters and is equal to 1075 meters.

The design height of the Rogun Dam is 335 meters, which is the highest dam of its kind in the world.

The layers near the mountain are reinforced according to the technological requirements. In the area of the core of the dam, cementing and reinforcement works on the left and right sides of the mountain are ongoing up to the level of 1110 meters with 5093 wells, 1800 wells have been drilled and cemented.

At the same time, the Honorable Leader of the Nation, Emomali Rahmon, got acquainted with the operation of the assembly line of the «Rogun» hydropower plant.

In certain sections of the «Rogun» HPP, separate facilities have been built for the quality completion of construction works, including the conveyor line.

In total, 70 people work in two shifts on this construction site, and more than 30 machines are utilized in the construction work.

In the first stage, raw materials are processed in mines and certain sections of the facility using powerful machinery and equipment.

Using such modern technology, engineering and technical workers can prepare up to 3,500 tons of products per hour and transfer them to the dam of the power plant through the conveyor line.

It was emphasized that the two unloading sections of the conveyor line are located on the lower side of the dam at the level of 1090 meters.

The construction products are transported to the lower part of the river by means of a conveyor line, and are loaded onto the dam sections by means of trucks.

Honorable Head of State Emomali Rahmon, while familiarizing himself with the progress of work at the power plant dam, drew the attention of workers and specialists to the quality of construction, compliance with project requirements, quality completion of work and speeding up the construction process.

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