On July 5, 2024, at the Strategic Research Center under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan was held a republican scientific-practical conference entitled «Strategy of transformation of Tajikistan into a «green country: background, goals and prospects of its implementation».

The purpose of the conference is to provide recommendations and proposals for solving issues related to the current situation and the prospects of turning Tajikistan into a green country, the grounds for improving the production of «green energy», the goals and prospects of its implementation in the future, and ensuring the sustainable development of various sectors of the economy of Tajikistan, including the development of hydropower and the use of renewable energy sources, the current state of implementation of the strategy, climate change and its consequences, environmental problems related to water and climate, the expansion of sustainable cooperation and the transition to sustainable economic development in today’s conditions.

The conference was attended by experts and specialists of ministries and departments, organizations, higher institutions and research centers.

The Director of the Center, doctor of philosophy, professor, associate member of NAST, Khayriddin Usmonzoda, opened the conference and welcomed the guests. He said that, the conference focused on the issues of the new stage of the development of the republic, which the Government of the Republic and the Founder of peace and national unity, the Leader of the nation Emomali Rahmon, are paying great attention to. Continuing his speech, the speaker noted that on September 30, 2022 was adopted, the «Strategy for the development of the «green» economy in Tajikistan for the years 2023-2037″. The financing volume of this strategy is 21.6 billion. Somoni is provided. It should be said that the Republic of Tajikistan has the potential to implement the development of «green economy» and «green energy» and can be one of the leading countries in the region.

Precisely for the purpose of implementation of «green projects», the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon, in his last message (29.12.2023) suggested that in order to implement targeted programs and projects for the development of the «green economy», including «green energy», the financing mechanism of special funds should be widely introduced. Also, relevant ministries and agencies were tasked to take measures to attract «green funding» for the implementation of projects in the country’s industry and infrastructure, especially projects of environmental and food importance, horticulture, efficient use of natural resources, investment and energy-efficient technologies.

«Green» economy in the broadest sense is a way of economic activity that reduces the risk to the environment and the destruction of nature. In its limited sense, the «green» economy can be interpreted as the technology of processing, production and use of equipment to control and reduce emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases, monitoring and forecasting climate change, as well as energy-saving and renewable energy technologies. Emomali Rahm emphasizes the fact that Tajikistan plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to a minimum in the last 30 years. At the same time, Tajikistan’s contribution to the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions is small, and the country is in 130th place in this ranking.

It should be noted that the concept of «green economy» entered the scientific term in 1989, and then it was widely used in the literature and was included among the goals of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within the UN.

Then, the head of the Department for the Analysis of Macroeconomic Issues Rustamjoni Saidulloi Kuzratzoda on the topic «Waste processing is one of the factors to ensure the development of the «green economy», the expert of the Department for the Analysis of Macroeconomic Issues, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Pirizoda Jalil Safar on the topic «Digitalization of production as a factor in the implementation of the «green economy» in in the field of agriculture», head of the Department of Energy Development, Energy Saving and State Regulation of Tariffs of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan Rahmonov Amrullo on the topic «Development of the «green economy» in the Republic of Tajikistan», head of the Department of Political Water, Energy, Science and Technology Development of the Ministry of Energy and Resources of the Republic of Tajikistan Azizulloeva Matluba on the topic «The role of hydropower in the sustainable development of Tajikistan in the conditions of climate change», the deputy head of the Plant Breeding Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tajikistan Lutfulloi Davlati Abduroziqzoda on the topic «The role of «green economy» in the development of the national economy of the Republic of Tajikistan» and the leading specialist of the Department monitoring, environmental policy, meteorology and cadaster of the Environmental Protection Committee under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan Faizullozoda Khairullo Abdullo gave a speech on the topic «Tajikistan as a leading country in the world in the direction of the development of the «green economy».

Speakers focused on the goal of developing the «green economy», adapting to climate change, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, efficient use of natural resources, attracting capital and energy-efficient technologies.

Then to other issues related to the «green» economy, such as: «green» economy, fundamental foundations for the development of a stable economy, analysis and assessment of the current state of «green» energy production and the possibilities of its further development, climate change and its damage to the country’s economy, green economy and the role of the Republic of Tajikistan for the development of renewable «green energy» in the region, the development of the «green» economy and its role in the process of rapid industrialization of the country, the implementation of the production of «green» products and ecologically meeting international standards, finding even better ways creation of the «green» investment environment and the directions of the investment environment in this process, the role of the «green» economy in the development of the national economy of the Republic of Tajikistan, etc were discussed during the debates.

The deputy director of the Center for Strategic Research under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Saodat Jurakhonzoda concluded the conference and thanked the participants for their active participation.

The conference was held in the spirit of sincerity, good understanding and constructive dialogue.

 Press service
Strategic research center near
President of the Republic of Tajikistan

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