The Islamic Republic of Pakistan does not border Tajikistan, but for centuries the peoples of the two lands have been closely linked. During the Soviet era, when the new Pakistan was experiencing its first decades of existence, prominent Pakistani writers, including Faiz Ahmadi Faiz, Hofizi Jolandhari and others, honored Rudaki the Great and his followers by visiting Tajikistan and befriending prominent Tajik writers such as Mirzo Tursunzoda, Sotim Ulughzoda and Mirsaid Mirshakar. The arrival of Pakistani writers as guests in Tajikistan was an important cultural event, figures of science and literature and in general every resident of our republic was pleased. The friendship between Tajik poet Mirzo Tursunzoda and poet-patriot- fighter Faiz Ahmadi Faiz was accepted by all our people as friendship between the peoples of Pakistan and Tajikistan. When the translation of Faiz Ahmad Faiz’s poems was handed over to the translator, Mirza Tursunzoda emphasized that the translation of Faiz’s poems into Tajik is a tribute not only to Faiz but also to all the people of Pakistan. Faiz’s poems are not only the heartache of Faiz, but also the heartache of all his compatriots. At the same time, the book “Ruhi Ozod” (Free Spirit) was translated, which today is one of the favorite books of Tajik readers. At present, all the poems of poet Faiz Ahmad Faiz have been translated in manuscript form by Tajik professor Rajabov Habibullo, and there is hope that they will be published in Tajik in the near future.

Since Mirsaid Mirshakar first presented 220 poems of Persian poetry by Muhammad Iqbal in the magazine “Sharqi surkh” and in the same year 396 poems under the title “She’rho” for Tajik readers, Muhammad Iqbal’s fame has continued to grow and his works have been published again and again in Tajikistan. Today it would not be an exaggeration to say that Muhammad Iqbal is as popular in Tajikistan as the best Tajik poets. Today, more than 200 poems by Muhammad Iqbal have been composed and sang by Tajik artists. His works and thoughts have been studied by Tajik researchers, and several candidate and doctoral dissertations have been defended on this topic. Back in Soviet times — in 1977 the celebration of his 100th anniversary and in 2007, i.e. during the period of state independence of the Republic of Tajikistan, the celebration of the poet’s 130th anniversary was celebrated at a high level in a large company of scientists and writers. Iqbal himself was awarded the title of «poet of the twentieth century» and has always been recognized as a part of Persian civilization. Also, hundreds of Tajik children Iqbal and Zebunisa are named after Pakistani poets Muhammad Iqbal and Zebunisa, which can be seen as a symbol of respect and cultural commonality between the two nations.

It should be noted that friendship between the nations of Tajikistan and Pakistan is not limited to studying and honoring the works of poets and writers. Interest in the culture and spiritual creativity of the Pakistani people is also reflected in other spheres of social and humanitarian life in Tajikistan.

With the achievement of state independence of Tajikistan, a new and favorable atmosphere has developed in the relations between the Republic of Tajikistan and Islamic Republic of Pakistan. During this period, a number of agreements on cultural ties were signed between these countries, which contributed to the strengthening of cooperation in this direction.

It should be mentioned that during this period 10 important documents were signed in this field, including the first act is considered to be the agreement between the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Government of Islamic Republic of Pakistan on cooperation in the spheres of culture, sports and tourism, which was signed on June 1, 1992.

In order to strengthen and broadly expand relations between these countries, other official acts have been adopted such as:

— Agreement between the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Ministry of Education of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan on cooperation in the field of education (13.05.2004);

— Memorandum of Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in the field of professional education (17.06.2014. Dushanbe);

— Memorandum of Understanding between the National Library of Tajikistan and the Department of Libraries, City Administration and Development Department of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan (17.06.2014);

— Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation between Tajik National University and Islamabad National University of Modern Languages (17.06.14. Dushanbe);

— Program of Cooperation between the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Scientific and Industrial Research Council of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan on the use of local and non-native medicinal plants for the preparation of medicinal herbs (12.11.2015). Islamabad), etc.

Of course, ratification of such important documents and their implementation are very useful for the development of cooperation between the Republic of Tajikistan and the Islamic Republic of  Pakistan. It should be noted that today is the stage when the parties should strive to achieve the goals reflected in these documents, and these goals should be not only on paper.

It should be noted that since Soviet times there has been cooperation between Tajikistan and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in the field of personnel training. For example, from the 80s to the present day, Pakistani students have been studying in Tajikistan’s higher educational institutions. It should be noted that in recent years the number of Pakistani students in higher education institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan has significantly increased.

I would like to remind you that today, in order to get acquainted with the culture and civilization of Pakistan, Urdu studies have been established in Tajikistan’s higher educational institutions, which can be seen as a sign of respect and special attention to this country. In particular, there is functioning a department of Urdu studies at the Faculty of Eastern Studies of the Tajik National University. The students of this department are actually taught by Tajik-speaking teachers. This means that there are Urdu language experts in the Republic of Tajikistan and they teach in this language.

Unfortunately, until today the issue of personnel exchange between our countries has not been discussed. In our opinion, in order to strengthen cooperation and cultural ties between the two countries, it would be good to use the experience accumulated over the years in higher educational institutions of Tajikistan and consider the issue of internship of students of Urdu faculties of universities of the Republic of Tajikistan in higher educational institutions of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and exchange of teachers of universities of Pakistan for various terms to cooperate with Urdu faculties of universities of Tajikistan at the proper level. This means that students from Tajikistan come to Pakistan to improve their Urdu and teachers of Pakistani universities come to the universities of Tajikistan to teach Urdu.  This will certainly be beneficial to both sides.

In the modern world it is impossible to imagine cooperation between countries without cooperation in the field of science and technology. Tajikistan has already had a strong scientific base since the times of the Soviet Union, and today it has wide scientific and specialist capabilities in the field of modern science and technology. Tajik scientists, mostly graduated from prestigious scientific centers in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev, Minsk, Novosibirsk, etc. Today they constitute the main intellectual force of the republic.  At present, they are conducting important research in both fundamental and applied sciences.  Today in the Republic of Tajikistan there are 40 higher educational institutions and more than 70 research centers and institutes conducting research in all modern fields of science.

It should be noted that one of the most important industries in our country is the technology of aluminum production and processing, production of waste-free products, as well as recycling of production waste of enterprises at a well-established level. One of the important steps taken by the government of Tajikistan in this direction is the establishment of a «Research Institute of metallurgy». Tajikistan has good scientists and specialists in this field. Thus, aluminum production occupies an important place in the economy of Tajikistan. It should be noted that the Tajik aluminum factory is the only aluminum processing enterprise in Central Asia and one of the largest enterprises in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Among them, there are those that, according to scientists, are of great scientific importance and those that play an important role in the development of the republic’s industry.

Another area where our countries today need cooperation in this sphere is the pharmaceutical industry. This issue is considered very important for Tajikistan today. In this regard, in his message to Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Founder of Peace and Unity — Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon emphasized this issue and instructed the Government to take necessary measures in this direction.

It should be said that the Islamic Republic of Pakistan has great experience and capabilities in this field. The Republic of Tajikistan has a huge intellectual resource and rich natural resources. The nature of Tajikistan is rich in medicinal plants and rare minerals, more than 2 thousand types of plants grow here, which is very convenient for the development of pharmaceutical industry. Therefore, we can say with full confidence that cooperation in this direction will contribute to meeting the needs of citizens of both countries.

Experience shows that there are common and important socio-cultural commonalities and interests between the nations of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. And, undoubtedly, the expansion of bilateral cooperation in this direction and protection of interests at the present stage of globalization process are gaining importance for both countries.

Abdulloeva S.N.,
chief specialist of the Department of Analysis
of Social Issues of the Center for strategic research
under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan

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