The family, as a small social institution, has a lifespan of several thousand years and never gets old, because the main substructure of national values is established in this small institution, and manners, morals and social education begin from the family. After birth, every person learns respect for adults, love and compassion for children, sincere attitude and behavior towards relatives and friends, always in the family. The family is the environment that matures a person and guides him to the right path in life. The healthier the family is, the better the next generation will grow and bring benefits to the nation and the state.

Without exaggeration, the family is the school of life. If it is healthy, the offspring will receive an excellent upbringing. Therefore, the family as the primary and main institution of society is important for the development of a well-rounded personality, and its restoration and sustainability is above all for the benefit of society. It is worth noting that this small environment has the ability to form great and historical personalities, through which the history of mankind will change, so it is very important to form a system of constructive relationships in the family, its psychological impact on each of its members is obvious. This is the first level of socialization of a person, and in this environment he gets acquainted with society.

At the same time, in deep understanding, the family is the cause of the world’s survival, the cause of the world’s prosperity. In this sense, the medieval scholar Unsurulmaoli Kaikovus emphasizes in his «Qobusnoma» that: «Know, son, that the Creator, when he wanted the world to be prosperous, made parents the cause of children’s existence.»

The reflection of the topic of family and family relations is considered one of the important topics of world literature, and it is in the focus of most scientists, scholars, researchers, writers and speakers of the East and West.

Family and family relations, its national values are considered one of the subjects of study in pedagogy, psychology, philosophy, sociology, demography, history and other humanities. Along with realistic depictions of family life, ideal families also have a place in fiction. In artistic prose, the image of such families becomes interesting and pleasant. For example, in the works of many prominent domestic and foreign writers and speakers, especially in the poetic works of prominent representatives of world Tajik literature, such as Mavlono Jaloluddin Balkhi, Nizomi, Unsurulmaoli Kaikovus, Hofiz and Jomi, Sa’di, Vosifi, Ahmadi Donish, Abdurraufi Fitrat, S. Aini, Jalol Ikromi, S. Ulughzoda, Chingiz Aitmatov, S. Ahmad, and Russian representatives such as A. S. Pushkin, N. V. Gogol, A. N. Ostrovsky, I. S. Turgenev, N. A. Nekrasov, L. N. Tolstoy, A. P. Chekhov, A. M. Gorky, M. A. Sholokhov, and European such as Spengler Oswald and P. J. Buchanan’s depiction of the family environment, family problems, reasons for family breakdown, and family values play a decisive role. The description of the family environment in literature, especially in artistic prose, is one of the main tools for describing the character of positive and negative personages.

As it follows from sources and historical-scientific literature, all moments of life’s successes and losses are connected with the image and description of the goddess of life — woman, and she is written as woman — mother, woman — light of family, woman — guarantor of stability, peace and health of family. The position of woman is very important in the care of the family, in the right and healthy upbringing, and in the right way to develop children and life in general. Secondly, love and thirdly, what is obligatory for a woman is a prosperous family. A woman’s eternal mission is to maintain a strong family and to give birth and raise her children correctly. Sobir’s mother in Sotim Ulughzoda’s biographical story, «Subhi javonii mo,» possesses these feminine traits. She is a woman who was raised within the framework of the feudal system and the laws of Islamic Shariah and possesses these characteristics.

Sobir’s mother had a dream one night that she was being carried away by a flood, and she woke up in fear and warned her husband Umarkhon about the unpleasant outcome of her dream. Although her husband comforts her not to believe in such things, she does not listen to her husband’s words and expresses her concern about her children being left orphaned, careless and homeless, and asks her husband to always think about the future of her children: «One night my mother suddenly screamed and woke up. When she saw that we were all sleeping next to her, she calmed down and told the story of her dream.

— I saw the flood in my dream, — my mother said. — There was a big flood in the river, the flood took me away, I was struggling in the middle of the blowing water. I told myself that there is no escape from this flood, it will take everyone. I shouted and called you, but I did not see any of you, I thought that the flood took you away. I was scared, I screamed again and woke up from my own scream.

— Its seems my death is near, — said my mother cried after a long silence. My brother and I wrapped our heads in the blanket and cried, too.

— Don’t upset yourself in vain: you didn’t drown in the water, you walked on river, God willing, nothing will happen, — my father tried to «interpret» my mother’s dream as good.

«A man sees what is written on his desteny. I don’t worry about my own life, but I am afraid of my children becoming orphans,» said my mother.

After the dream Sobir’s mother passed away. Although her image as a mother is not fully reflected in the story, but in this short episode, the writer was able to describe her image as a kind, compassionate and loyal mother to her husband and children.

The passage of time has repeatedly proven that until now, Tajiks create a family only in order to continue and keep their offspring. Therefore, the Tajik family is formed and developed not for temporary purposes, but according to a specific program.

Sotim Ulughzoda also wrote Sobir’s mother in the story «Subhi javonii mo,» following the same folk traditions, describing her as pious, family-oriented, cultured, intelligent, obedient, a support to her husband and kind to her children, who was the best example of a Tajik family. Such good qualities of hers could be clearly observed, especially in the Shibli neighborhood of Tashkent, until her husband Umarkhon began working in a factory, where their family had fallen on hard times. From such an attitude of Sobir’s mother to her family, it is once again felt that the stability of the family strongly depends on the woman.

After the death of his wife Umarkhon lost the hope to live. «Azizkhon lost the right way of life, he went to Tashkent, his father followed him and never came back.»

Young Sobir endured the news of the death of his brother Azizkhon and his father Umarkhon with his younger brother Mukhtor: «The nights were not cold yet, we slept on the porch. That night, my father did not leave the house. He was sitting alone in the dark room and we could hear his sobbing from there. I couldn’t sleep. I had just gone to bed in the morning when my father’s beard touched my face and woke me up. He kissed me and the sleeping Mukhtor and said:

— I will go to your brother. I will take it as soon as it recovers. Don’t ignore your grandmother’s words. Don’t worry if I’m late.

We both looked at my stepmother: she was sleeping in her bed wrapped in a blanket, oblivious to our grief.

— Take care of your brother, — added my father.

He put the travel bag and other travel accessories in the bag and was ready to go. He didn’t say goodbye to my stepmother, because the woman, of course, would make the trouble and try to stop him from leaving. In the semi-darkness of the morning, he slowly walked away from us.

Professor Sotim Ulughzoda made an extraordinary effort to depict colorful scenes of nature and family. He believes that no factor in the family environment is without influence. The family is an institution, all its members are tied together by thousands of threads. This link announces its presence with colorful flashes. Father’s kiss in the morning is, at first glance, nothing more than a short story. However, if there is tension around him, he stirs up minds. The heart of a man who has lost his beloved wife in the middle of life, sounds like. With his kiss, he tries to cover a few seeds on the cheeks of his orphaned children out of the love and affection that is wrapped in his sad heart. He felt the inevitable end of his life. But he cannot tell the truth to minor children. Only mentally, all his hope lies in the four walls of the hut where he lives. The main elements of the family are parents and children, and if one of these pillars is damaged, the family building is destroyed.

Emomalizoda Qosimjon Sirojiddin,
specialist of the Department of information supply
of the Centre for strategic research under the
President of the Republic of Tajikistan

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