On February 15 (2023 year), as a result of heavy snowfall, an avalanche occurred in the Badakhshan Mountainous Autonomous Region, as a result of which several residents of the city of Khorug were exposed to this natural disaster. This unexpected and life-threatening event caused the loss of life and property of the residents of the region.

Regarding the current situation, leader of the nation, Emomali Rahmon, made a telephone conversation with the head of the Badakhshan Mountainous Autonomous Region, regarding the elimination of the consequences of the natural disaster and the provision of material assistance to the victims to the Prime Minister, the leadership of the Badakhshan Mountainous Autonomous Region, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan and The Committee of Emergency Situations and Civil Defense issued specific instructions.

The President of the country, Emomali Rahmon, expressed his deep condolences to the relatives and friends of the victims in connection with the tragedy. It should be noted that Leader of the nation Emomali Rahmon has put the process of eliminating the consequences of natural disasters under his personal control and is implementing urgent measures.

The President of the country, Emomali Rahmon, expressed his deep condolences to the relatives and friends of the victims in connection with the tragedy. It should be noted that Leader of the nation Emomali Rahmon has put the process of eliminating the consequences of natural disasters under his personal control and is implementing urgent measures.

In particular, by the order of the President of the country, Emomali Rahmon, the State Commission on the Elimination of the Consequences of Natural Disasters was established at the expense of the responsible persons of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and the first heads of a number of ministries and committees. Based on the instructions of the Leader of the nation, Emomali Rahmon, the members of the State Commission were tasked to eliminate the consequences of the natural disaster in the shortest possible time and provide the affected families with financial assistance from the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, such as food, warm clothes and other necessary household items.

It is worth noting that currently, under the direct instructions of the Leader of the nation Emomali Rahmon, a permanent headquarters is operating in the region and at the scene of the incident, and employees of the regional and Khorug city offices and institutions, power and military structures, law enforcement agencies, as well as local residents are working to eliminate the consequences of natural disasters.

It is the direct attention of the Leader of the nation, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, that the established State Commission is working around the clock and eliminating the negative consequences of the natural event.

In fact, the Honorable Head of State Emomali Rahmon as the people’s president is always in the minds of the people and with his people. We have seen many times the paternal concern of the Leader of the nation towards the residents of the country. The honorable Leader of the nation, Emomali Rahmon, always calls the country’s residents to unity and solidarity, and guides them to patriotism and self-awareness.

That is why today, following the Leader of the nation, Emomali Rahmon, all residents of the country stand by the people of Badakhshan and express their deep sympathy to the victims of natural disasters. In addition to the material and moral assistance of the Government of the country, the residents of the country are also directing their assistance to the victims, which is a testimony to the effective policies of the Head of State and the strengthening of national unity in the society.

Thus, we should mention that today all the people of Tajikistan are on the side affected by natural disasters. Compassion, sympathy and help to victims of natural disasters is the motto of all the people of the country. In other words, Badakhshan residents are not alone in this difficult situation. The government of the country, the Leader of the nation Emomali Rahmon and all the people of Tajikistan are on their side.

Center for strategic research under the

President of the Republic of Tajikistan

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