Today, November 1, 2022, the director of the Center for strategic research under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Usmonzoda Khairiddin, met with the head of the Association of Artifacts and Cultural Scholars of Iran, Mahmoud Shaloi.

In the meeting also took part, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Tajikistan in the Islamic Republic of Iran Nizomaddin Zahidi, deputy director of the Center Parviz Muhammadzoda, representative of the Embassy of the Republic of Tajikistan in the Islamic Republic of Iran Maruf Abdurakhmonov and deputy head of the Department of Foreign Policy analysis and prognostication of the Center Alinazar Ashrov.

At the beginning of the meeting, Dr. Mahmoud Shaloi welcomed the guests to the Association of Cultural Artists and Scholars of Iran and expressed his views on the importance of cultural relations in promoting cooperation in a complex and diverse world. Dr. Shaloi noted that the Tajik and Iranian people always strive and play an effective role in the development of human civilization and culture. Today, joint historical and cultural achievements of Tajiks and Iranians are consolidating in the progress of the world. At the same time, the activities and works and role of Ustad Rudaki and Kamal Khujandi were mentioned, the statue of this historical figure was placed in the courtyard of the Iranian Association of Artifacts and Cultural Scholars, and it was mentioned that more initiatives were taken to protect and present more culture, history and joint cultural achievements.

Also, the chairman of the Association expressed his desire to expand cultural ties with Tajik poets and writers and hold joint events.

Director of the Center Usmonzoda Khairiddin, in turn, expressed his gratitude for the warm welcome and expressed that in the conditions of the clash of civilizations, the strengthening of cultural cooperation plays an effective role in protecting the stability and peace of the region and the world. The Director of the Center noted that during the 31 years of independence, the Republic of Tajikistan under the wise leadership of the Leader of the nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, his excellency Emomali Rahmon, has been implementing important initiatives in the country and abroad in the direction of preservation, revival and presentation of the history and culture of the Tajik nation. It was mentioned that in order to present a worthy presentation of culture and history, under the direct instructions of the Leader of the nation Emomali Rahmon, the precious works of Tajik ancestors were republished, this is a symbol of connecting the origins between the two countries. In particular, it was emphasized that the «Akhtaroni adab» series has been published in Tajikistan until now, which includes the works of Tajik and Persian greats.

It was also emphasized that cultural days of Tajikistan were held in Iran some time ago, and now cultural days of Iran are being held in the Republic of Tajikistan, which is a proof of the strengthening of cultural relations between the two independent countries, and culture contributes as a factor that unites the parties.

Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Tajikistan in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Nizamuddin Zahidi, during his speech, mentioned the joint actions of the Supreme Leaders of Tajikistan and Iran in the direction of expanding cultural relations and emphasized that Tajikistan, especially the Embassy of the Republic of Tajikistan in Iran, will continue to strengthen cultural cooperation, initiates and implements important initiatives.

The meeting ended in an atmosphere of sincerity and good understanding.

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