DUSHANBE. October 24, 2022 /NIAT «Khovar»/. On October 24, the Founder of Peace and National Unity — Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, after the commissioning of the first unit of the Nurek hydroelectric power station, held a meeting with leaders, activists and representatives of the public of Nurek in the courtyard of the station.

First, the Head of State congratulated all those present on the occasion of the commissioning of the first unit and the 50th anniversary of the start of operation of this giant hydroelectric power station of the country.

The President of the country emphasized that the Nurek hydroelectric power station is still considered the largest hydropower facility in Central Asia, representing the enormous hydropower potential of our dear country.

It was emphasized that more than 486 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity have been generated at the hydroelectric power plant since the beginning of its operation, of which more than 336 billion kilowatt-hours, or 70 percent, falls on the period of independence of the country.

The Government of the country, taking into account the importance of the hydroelectric power plant in the economic development of the country and the implementation of one of the national strategic goals, that is, the achievement of complete energy independence, in the early 2000s, began the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the Nurek hydroelectric power plant.

After the full implementation of the project, the design capacity of the hydro power plant will be increased from 3000 to 3375 MW, taking into account renewable power and 375 MW of additional capacity obtained as a result of reconstruction, the operating capacity of the hydro power plant will increase by 775 megawatts, the level and quality of service at the hydro power plant will significantly increase and improve, will enhance many times provision of the population and sectors of the country’s economy with electricity.

At a meeting with the leaders and activists of the city, the Head of State, Emomali Rahmon, spoke on issues of state support in the direction of the development and progress of Nurek’s economy.

It was emphasized that during the period of independence, thanks to the support and care of the Government of the country and the selfless work of the inhabitants, all the cities and regions of our dear Motherland, including Nurek, which is distinguished by its special beauty, have become much more comfortable, beautiful and developed.

Over 31 years, more than 4.8 billion somoni were allocated for the socio-economic development of the city from all sources of financing, including 530 million somoni from the state budget.

Over the past 15 years alone, 22 public investment projects have been implemented in the city for a total of 1.5 billion somoni, now 7 more projects are being implemented, within which 1.3 billion somoni have been disbursed to date.

In addition, the Nurek socio-economic development program for 2021-2025 plans to implement 183 projects totaling 453 million somoni, which are aimed at developing the socio-economic sphere of the city and creating jobs for residents.

For a worthy celebration of the 30th anniversary of State Independence, 206 social and economic facilities were built and repaired in Nurek, and 180 other facilities are planned to be built by the 35th anniversary of State Independence.

In connection with the current situation in the world community, the President of the country, Emomali Rahmon, called on residents to efficiently and rationally use every inch of land, expand re-sowing, grow early vegetables, develop the fishing industry and widely use greenhouses in all seasons.

It was emphasized that residents, taking into account the very difficult situation of the modern world, should take seriously frugality and strict observance of the requirements of the law on streamlining customs and rituals, and take care of the family and children.

In conclusion, President Emomali Rahmon said that the implementation of constructive plans and programs of the Government of the country will contribute to the development of all cities and regions of the country, including Nurek, in the near future the city will become more prosperous and beautiful, and the quality of life of its inhabitants will improve in many ways.

After the speech of the Head of State, the residents of Nurek, representatives of various professions, including Nazira Mirahmadzoda, an employee of the Nurek hydroelectric power station and Pirumsho Khodjaev, a veteran, spoke and expressed gratitude to the President and the Government of the country for the efforts and constructive measures towards ensuring a decent life for the population.


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