Dear representatives of the media,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

First of all, I would like to sincerely thank my dear brother, esteemed Shavkat Miromonovich Mirziyoyev, for the invitation to pay an official visit to the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Our next meeting was held in a constructive and trusting atmosphere, characteristic of the relations between our fraternal peoples.

We noted the importance of maintaining a regular political dialogue at all levels.

In Tajikistan, the personal contribution of the President of Uzbekistan to the development of good-neighborly Tajik-Uzbek relations is highly appreciated.

In October this year, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations.

It is significant that in the anniversary year for us we made a decision of historic importance — to raise the level of our relations to the level of an alliance.

Today, a strategic document was signed — the Declaration on the strengthening of eternal friendship and alliance between the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan.

We are convinced that this meets the fundamental interests of our peoples, serving as an important factor in strengthening peace and stability in the region.

During the talks in narrow and expanded formats, we paid special attention to the practical implementation of the agreements reached earlier between the parties.

It is gratifying to note that over the past three years, about 100 bilateral documents have been signed in various areas of cooperation.

We agreed that the development of trade and economic cooperation remains a priority in our relations.

We were unanimous in assessing the high dynamics of growth in mutual trade, which over the past year amounted to more than 600 million dollars.

In general, over the past six years, the volume of mutual trade between our countries has increased 40 times!

We are consistently moving towards achieving the goal that we previously identified with respected Shavkat Miromonovich, namely, bringing the trade turnover to one billion dollars.

We noted that there is great potential for cooperation in the fields of energy and industry, including in the textile, food, footwear, mining and metallurgical industries, as well as in the fields of non-ferrous metallurgy, pharmaceuticals, transport and communications, banking and tourism.

We also emphasized the huge opportunities that exist in the agro-industrial complex, especially in the field of seed production.

In this direction, we agreed to further encourage ties between the business circles of our countries.

Yesterday, a meeting of the business communities of the parties took place, at which a whole package of contracts between the subjects was signed for a total amount of over one billion dollars.

Separately, attention was focused on the need for comprehensive use of the potential of interregional cooperation.

Over the past few years, our regions have launched a dynamic activity through the implementation of mutual visits and the establishment of business contacts.

Dozens of trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian events were held.

We are convinced that our regions have great opportunities for the implementation of joint projects in industrial cooperation, the transport and logistics sector, the agro-industrial complex, the cultural, humanitarian, scientific and technical fields.

Taking into account the accumulated experience in this area, we proposed organizing a Forum of Regions in the second half of this year chaired by the prime ministers of the two countries.

During the talks, mutual interest was expressed in expanding cooperation in the energy sector.

A significant step in this direction is the launch, jointly with honorable Shavkat Miromonovich, of the implementation of a joint Tajik-Uzbek project for the construction of two hydroelectric power plants with a total capacity of 320 megawatts on the Zeravshan River in Tajikistan.

Important achievements in the field of transport were also highlighted.

We noted with satisfaction that our citizens have the opportunity to visit each other freely.

According to our data, about 20,000 people cross the Tajik-Uzbek border every day. This is a very significant number.

The regime of free movement of goods and services has been ensured.

The frequency of air and road transportation has increased significantly.

We agreed to consider the possibility of opening passenger rail transportation between the capitals and other cities of our countries in the near future.

Special attention was paid to cooperation between Tajikistan and Uzbekistan in the cultural and humanitarian sphere, in particular in the field of science, education, culture and art.

This direction is of key importance, taking into account the close cultural traditions of the two fraternal peoples.

During the talks, we discussed in detail our cooperation in the field of security.

We reaffirmed our common interest in strengthening joint counteraction to the threats of terrorism, extremism, illegal arms and drug trafficking, cybercrime, and transnational organized crime.

Taking into account the current difficult international situation, we reaffirmed our readiness to build up cooperation in the field of regional security, especially on the Afghan problem.

Tajikistan, as a close neighbor of Afghanistan, is sincerely interested in establishing long-term peace and harmony in this country.

It was emphasized that the Tajik-Uzbek cooperation within the framework of international and regional organizations is developing in a constructive way.

We will support Uzbekistan’s efforts to chair the SCO this year.

We are confident that the forthcoming summit of the Organization will be successful.

In general, the parties expressed their firm confidence that the agreements reached during the negotiations and meetings of the parties will contribute to the further deepening of interaction in all the planned areas of the Tajik-Uzbek multifaceted cooperation.

In conclusion, I would like to once again express to you, dear Shavkat Miromonovich, and through you to the fraternal people of Uzbekistan, sincere gratitude for the warm welcome, cordiality and traditional hospitality.

Чоп кунед