Мулоқот бо Сарвазири Ҷумҳурии Арабии Миср Мустафо Мадбулӣ  10.03.2022

On March 10, the Founder of Peace and National Unity — Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon in the framework of his official visit to Cairo met with the Prime Minister of the Arab Republic of Egypt Mostafa Madbouly.

The current state and prospects of cooperation between Tajikistan and Egypt have been reviewed at the meeting.

At the outset of the conversation the President of the country Emomali Rahmon expressed gratitude for the warm welcome.

The parties expressed their readiness to further enhance cooperation in various fields of economy, trade, investment, industry, agriculture, transport and communications, tourism, science and education, health and other humanitarian and cultural spheres.

The expansion of cooperation in various sectors of industry, in particular textiles, pharmaceuticals, cotton fiber and leather processing, mining and processing of minerals, precious and semi-precious stones was named as promising and mutually beneficial.

During the meeting the sides exchanged views on strengthening and expanding cooperation in the field of investment, increasing trade turnover, interbank cooperation, implementation of investment projects in agriculture and irrigation, development of tourism, pharmaceutical industry and other areas. The development of cooperation in science, education and culture, the expansion of ties in the social and humanitarian spheres such as health, pharmaceuticals, work with youth, strengthening ties between the media of the two countries were called as being in the interests of both sides.


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