The unrecognized authority of the “Taliban” terrorist movement in Afghanistan in its relations with Tajikistan took a very strange position — then it claims that they benefit from cooperation with Tajikistan in all areas, then it blames Tajikistan for all its failures to be the official power in Afghanistan. On the one hand, it shows that “Taliban” terrorists are unprepared for government, on the other, proves their dark past, when they resolved all issues contrary to all international laws and human morality.

Another such illegal and anti-moral act of the terrorists of this movement was the statement of the so-called Afghan Foreign Minister Amirkhan Mottaki that the current Afghan government, as if it intends to mercilessly fight ISIS, but they are hindered by Tajikistan, which, having gathered ISIS members in its country, throws them to fight the current government of Afghanistan. A very strange statement, which feels a big lie and unfounded slander against a neighboring country, which is as if the “Taliban” terrorists want to cooperate.

It should be noted that in the material entitled «Why does the Afghan Foreign Minister accuse Dushanbe of supporting ISIS?,» Which is published on the Ferghana Herald website, the authors agree not only with the lies of the representative of the “Taliban” terrorist movement Amirkhan Mottaki, but also give other slanderous words in relation to Tajikistan. The authors of the material unfoundedly state that the headquarters of the National Salvation Front, headed by Ahmad Masud, is actually working on the territory of Tajikistan, and a government has been created «in exile, headed by Amrullah Saleh, a former vice president of the country who is an associate of Ahmad Masud.» All this despite the fact that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan has long officially declared the groundlessness of such accusations.

The biggest lie of the authors of the material «Why does the Afghan Foreign Minister accuse Dushanbe of supporting ISIS?» is their assumption that Iran allegedly transfers ISIS fighters to Afghanistan «through the Tajik border with Afghanistan,» and Tajikistan «is ready to dispose of its» ISIS, «sending them from places not so remote to Afghanistan to fight with “Taliban”» All these slander statements by the authors of the Ferghana Herald website are not only outside the framework of journalistic ethics, but are also considered criminal under the laws of the civilized world.

In general, the statement of the so-called Foreign Minister of Afghanistan Amirkhan Mottaki once again shows the correctness of the popular saying that everyone argues as they deteriorate, because the Taliban in this example talks about others as themselves. However, the history of the “Taliban” terrorist movement clearly shows that they themselves have been interacting with other major terrorist and extremist organizations since 1994, among which Al-Qaida and ISIS occupied the main place in different years. Their main instrument of struggle was terror — terror against the official authorities and against the innocent people. In the present-day context, members of the “Taliban” terrorist movement, because of their political and military incapacity, began to blame the neighboring states because of their inability to fight their former associates from the ISIS terrorist organization. Only one thing comes to mind here — people who have been engaged in terror all their lives, the vile form of evil itself are never capable of military victories, including over their unfortunate people, or over ISIS terrorists and other evil forces.

Akbardjon Marufzod
Political scientist

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