The most important part of the educational process in modern schools is the formation of patriotism and a culture of attitude, which is one of the great importance in the social and spiritual development of a person. Only on the basis of the high feeling of patriotism, the love for the motherland becomes stronger, and the sense of responsibility for preserving its honor, independence and protecting the material and spiritual values ​​of the society arises.

The concept of patriotism is the feeling of attachment to the place where a person was born and grew up, respect for the language of his ancestors, care for the interests of the homeland, understanding the debt to the homeland, protection of national honor, pride in the social and cultural achievements of the country, pride in the homeland and state symbols.

The school is a responsible institution that to some extent determines the direction of the formation of a specific personality thanks to its educational power. Childhood is considered to be an important period for the education of personality and its future, because self-awareness and active development of a person is formed in this period. Therefore, patriotism is a key stage in the process of education and upbringing of pupils.

Considering the fact that it is impossible to implement patriotism education among teenagers only with enlightenment, the new era demands from the school modern forms and methods of education. Education of patriotism in modern conditions is a purposeful and morally determined process, it involves active measures, participation in the management of valuable public affairs, implementation of rights and obligations, as well as strengthening of responsibility towards the Motherland.

It is worth emphasizing that the basis of education, especially the education of patriotism, is, first of all, the education of feelings. Therefore, the factor of forming a sense of patriotism should be a purposefully created situation, when a child feels proud of his mother, relatives and family, and also cares for the success and collective achievements of society.

Adolescence is the period of personality formation in the world of culture and universal human values. At the same time, the central event of this period is the discovery of the unique personality of the teenager.

The education of patriotism in the field of education becomes particularly important because the pedagogical traditions of the Tajik people have ancient roots, but it is considered necessary to adapt them to modern times.

The priority of education policy, love for the motherland, sense of responsibility for the fate of the state, readiness to protect it, are considered the main methods of educating the future generation. The reality of the matter is that the school, as one of the social institutions, has wide possibilities for creating pedagogical conditions for the upbringing of patriotism of the younger generation.

For example, the role and position of extracurricular activities in the education of patriotism of the younger generation has not been sufficiently studied. However, it is the mobile and extracurricular activities that have a useful and valuable social direction and allow updating the content, methods, forms and education of patriotism of teenagers, and in which priorities are given to a sense of respect for the Motherland, protection of national interests, respect for history and cultural values ​​should be directed.

Also, in the science of psychology, childhood is considered to be a period when everything takes place in their mind and leaves a mark forever. It would be beneficial if the first hour of class every Monday for pupils of 1-4 forms is called a patriotism activity, because the sense of patriotism of the young generation is formed in this period. Based on the experience of developed countries, it is considered necessary to dedicate the first hour of school on Mondays in order to increase the sense of patriotism, respect for national values ​​and other national elements.

In this context, the development of scientific literature by specialists in history, political science and psychology will be appropriate. It is not beneficial if scientific literature is presented in the form of booklets on various topics and in relevant formats, and at the same time, historical places are also included in it. In this context, sending pupils with a teacher once a month to help pensioners and employees is considered beneficial.

At the current stage, it will be beneficial to attract successful teachers in order to find ways and methods of education suitable for the conditions of the time. Because on the basis of their successful experience, specialists in the field can prepare educational guidelines and provide the necessary literature.

leading specialist of the Department
of Analysis and forecasting of internal policy
of the Сenter for Strategic Research under the
President of the Republic of Tajikistan.

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