DUSHANBE, 01.09.2023 (NIAT Khovar) – The Founder of Peace and National Unity — Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, on the Day of Knowledge and the Lesson of Peace, put into operation the main and educational building of Khatlon State Medical University in Dangara district.

The magnificent building was built to celebrate the 35th anniversary of state independence with a modern design and national architectural style, and has modern conditions for studies.

The customer of the building is the State Institution «Directorate of Construction of Government Buildings of the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan» and the contractor is «STS Inshoot» OJSC, the project of the building was developed by «Scientific-design and research center «SANIIOSP» OJSC.

The university consists of a basement and 4 connected buildings, the central part has 9 floors, two side buildings have 7 floors, and the third part has 3 floors.

The Leader of the Nation, Emomali Rahmon, while familiarizing himself with the conditions created in the main building of the Khatlon State Medical University, held a cordial meeting with teachers and students and congratulated them on the commissioning of the modern well-designed building.

It was emphasized that, using the conditions provided in this educational institution, primary attention should be paid to the training of highly qualified personnel in the field of healthcare.

In the administrative part of the university, there is a central library with a spacious reading room, an electronic library, a large meeting-culture hall, a central museum, centers and departments, offices of faculties and other auxiliary facilities.

On the 4th to 6th floors of the building, there are general educational departments of the university, including foreign languages, sociology, chemistry, medical biology, medical physics and informatics, pharmacology, microbiology, hygiene and speech science.

The main building of the university is built on an area of 1.8 hectares, its total area is 25 thousand 956 square meters, of which 13 thousand 787 square meters is useful educational space.

The newly built building has 194 working rooms for teachers and employees and 80 educational classrooms, with a total of more than 2000 seats. There are 12 meeting and lecture halls.

The magnificent assembly and cultural hall of the university has 1100 seats The total area of this hall is 1 thousand 164 square meters. From now on, all scientific, cultural and educational events of the university will be held in this magnificent hall.

Currently, the university has 4 centers — Center for post-graduate education, Center for simulation studies, Center for information technologies and the Unified Test Center.

One of the main factors of promotion of educational activities of higher vocational education institutions is provision of educational materials for students and regular enrichment of the library fund. The reading hall of the university library has 160 seats, and students use the various scientific and educational literature of this priceless treasure effectively. In the electronic library, which has 150 seats, various literature, including the works of Tajik scientists in the field of medical science and foreign literature, are presented to students electronically.

Taking into account the number of classrooms, laboratories and lecture halls, it is possible to enroll up to 5 thousand students at the university.

In order to establish beneficial cooperation with educational organizations and institutions, prestigious domestic and foreign scientific centers, the university managed to sign the first international cooperation agreement in April 2017 with Xinjiang Medical University of the People’s Republic of China.

Since 2018, effective cooperation of Khatlon State Medical University has been set up with Kyrgyz International Medical School, Al-Farabi State Medical University, International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Khoja Ahmad Yasavi, Karaganda Medical University of Kazakhstan, Bukhara State Medical University, Samarkand State Medical Institute, Tashkent State Stomatological University of Uzbekistan, Medical Academy of the Republic of Belarus, Medical University of Pavia, Italy, Kabul University of Medical Sciences, World University of Cyrus the Great, USA, Sofia Medical University of Bulgaria, South Ural State Medical University of the Russian Federation and Georgian State Medical University.

During the university’s activity, students of this school participated in national, scientific, scientific-educational, intellectual, cultural and sports competitions, and as a result, they won 18 first places, 22 second places, 27 third places, 13 honorable places and 7 diplomas of the 1st and 2nd level at conferences. In particular, in 2021, 8 students took part in the «Science — the source of knowledge» contest, and 2 students won the 2nd place in the final round. In 2023, a young scientist of the university won the third place in the contest «Science — the source of knowledge» in the category of invention.


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