On August 16, the Founder of Peace and National Unity — Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, inaugurated a new administrative building of the Agency for Labor, Migration and Employment of the Population in the center of Roshtkala district.

The modern building consists of 3 floors, all the working rooms are equipped with desks and chairs and other modern equipment, which facilitates the effective work of the employees of the Department of Labor and Public Employment, the Department of Migration Services and the Branch of the State Institution «Adult Education Center of Tajikistan» in Roshtkala district.

Construction work on the facility began in 2016 and was completed with the funding of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and the involvement of more than 60 local residents.

The head of state expressed his satisfaction with the provided opportunities and the quality of construction works and directed the employees of the sector to serve faithfully and honestly for the benefit of the state and the nation.

The new building of the Department of Agency for Labor, Migration and Employment in Roshtkala district consists of 10 spacious working rooms and 4 training classrooms, as well as a meeting room with 20 seats, and has the best working and educational conditions.

From now on, residents of Roshtkala district will be trained in the fields of confectionary, tailoring, computer technology, repair of plumbing equipment and electric tools in classrooms with good conditions.

Also, next to this building, another additional facility has been built, which is intended for learning the basics of the vehicle repair profession.

Honorable Emomali Rahmon, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, was informed that up to a thousand unemployed people will be involved in vocational training every year in the Agency department.


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