DUSHANBE, 30.11.2022 (NIAT Khovar) – A meeting of the Central Executive Committee of the People’s Democratic Party of Tajikistan was held in Dushanbe, in which the Founder of Peace and National Unity — Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Chairman of the People’s Democratic Party of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon participated and spoke.

Members of the Board and the Central Executive Committee of the People’s Democratic Party of Tajikistan, the faction of the People’s Democratic Party of Tajikistan in the Majlisi namoyandagon Majlisi Oli, heads of a number of relevant structures and offices, responsible employees of the Office of the Central Executive Committee of the party, heads of the party’s executive committees in regions, cities and districts, representatives of party’s mass media and active members of the People’s Democratic Party participated.

At the meeting, the process of implementing the decisions of the 13th and 14th congresses of the People’s Democratic Party of Tajikistan and the tasks of party organizations in the next stage were discussed, and changes were made to the composition of members of the Central Executive Committee.

During the speech, the great Chairman of the party emphasized that today we are in difficult conditions. The clash of interests of the superpowers for the redistribution of the world and access to natural resources, rapid arms race, the beginning of a new phase of the «cold war», the intensification of information wars and cybercrimes, as well as climate change and its consequences, the spread of infectious diseases and other problems in the lives of the inhabitants of the planet have faced the most difficult period in the history of almost a hundred years of mankind.

The great Chairman of the party expressed that the People’s Democratic Party of Tajikistan plays an effective role in the political and social life of the residents of Tajikistan as well as in the formation of political culture and self-awareness and art of the people. The main tasks of our party in the new stage of the development of society and the state are specified in its pre-election programs, decisions of the 13th and 14th congresses, which include the most important directions of the country’s development until 2027.

According to the Chairman of the party, the mission and essence of the programs of the People’s Democratic Party of Tajikistan is the sustainable development of an independent, prosperous, developed and politically, economically and socially stable Tajikistan. It was pointed out that the executive committees of the party, together with the authorized structures of various fields and local executive bodies of the state government, take necessary measures to create new jobs and gradually improve the living conditions of the population, focus on solving social issues, create infrastructure, improving the condition of educational institutions, upgrading the welfare of large families, allocating additional aid to orphans, disabled people and other vulnerable groups of society.

The Founder of Peace and National Unity — Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Chairman of the People’s Democratic Party of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon once again emphasized that in order to further expand the work of the members of the party faction in the Parliament of the country, it is necessary to cooperate with the executive committees of the party in the regions. and cities and districts to strengthen and direct all their knowledge, skills, and experience in order to implement party programs and carry out the National Development Strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan for the period up to 2030.

It was reported that today the number of primary party organizations is 6,577 and the number of party members is 517,388.

In the continuation of the meeting, the Chairman of the party, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, specified the activities of the party structures for the past period and the tasks for the next year.

The executive committees of the party were instructed to deal with intra-party issues, in particular, the implementation of regulations, the requirements of the charter and programs, the quality admission of party members, the timely holding of meetings of the executive committees and primary organizations, active participation in political campaigns, the selection and deployment of management personnel through competition, compliance with the Code of Conduct of the party employee and seek measures to improve working conditions.

At the same time, all primary party organizations in the localities and primary organizations were tasked to expand propaganda and agitation activities in the direction of implementing the programmatic goals of the People’s Democratic Party of Tajikistan, to mobilize the people of the country to welcome the 35th anniversary of the State Independence, and to be proactive and active in this direction.

After the speech of the great Chairman of the party, Zunaida Rajabova — chairman of the Executive Committee of the party in Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Province; Madina Rajabova — teacher of the Lakhsh district Pedagogical College; Saidbek Mirzomuddinov — head of the public reception of the People’s Democratic Party of Tajikistan in the Russian Federation; Mahmadiso Qurbonov — head of the farm «Imomi Azam» of Kushoniyon district of Khatlon Province and Israelkhoja Samandarov — general director of «Farovon-1» LLC of Khujand city of Sughd Province spoke at the meeting.

The decision of the meeting was adopted on this issue.

Thus, other issues on the meeting’s agenda, including changes to the membership of the Central Executive Committee of the party, were discussed by members of the People’s Democratic Party Committee and relevant decisions were made.

In continuation of the meeting, personnel issues were discussed, due to his transfer to another job, Bakhtiyor Hamdamov was released from the post of editor-in-chief of the central publication of the People’s Party «Minbari Khalk», and Raufzoda Suhrob Kholmurod was elected to the post of editor-in-chief of the newspaper.

At the conclusion of the meeting of the Central Executive Committee of the People’s Democratic Party of Tajikistan, the great Chairman of the party, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, stated that every member of the party makes worthy contribution in the cause of implementing the strategic tasks of the state and the Government, improving the legislative system, strengthening national peace and unity, expanding constructive ideas of patriotism and self-awareness, and we should always remember that being a member of the People’s Democratic Party is both an honor and a great responsibility to the people and the motherland and the fate of the democratic, secular and legal society of our independent Tajikistan.


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