Written by: Ms. Maryam Raza Head of Women’s Executive Network, TN Media News The offensive realist approach has always remained a very prominent yet hard strategy for initiating a war. Showing military muscles at the expense of killing innocent civilians and intruding into the sovereignty of a state have always resulted in hostility. The recent border skirmishes between Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan border have erupted during the prime time of a grand SCO summit in 2022. Tajikistan is an important regional stakeholder and has always pursued policies of peaceful co-existence with its neighbouring countries.

However, such border issues initiated by Kyrgyzstan can hamper peaceful co-existence. According to the official data of Tajikistan, on 14 September 2022, Kyrgyzstan committed an act of armed aggression against the Republic of Tajikistan without any strategic reason. The military actions and provocations, including the shelling of the positions of the Kekh post on the border Troops of the State Committee for National Security of the Republic of Tajikistan, resulted in massive causalities with the use of drones, machine guns, and other small arms. It is unfortunate that two servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Tajikistan were killed.

It was also noted that armed attacks targeted the settlements of Khojai Alo, Kummazor, Surkh, Somoniyon, Kulkand of the city of Isfara, Khistevarz and Ovchi-Kalacha, Bobojon, and Gafurov district. In particular, the residential areas of the village of Chorkishlok in the city of Isfara were subjected to massive shelling from infantry fighting vehicles and armoured personnel carriers (According to the official data of Tajikistan). The invasion of the territories, i.e., villages of Bogdori, Jamoat Chilgazi, and the city of Isfara resulted in the tragedy of the burning of 16 houses of local residents, and vandalism.

16 th September 2022, a declaration of a ceasefire was also signed between both countries. However, the Kyrgyz armed forces ignored the conditions and requirements of the declared ceasefire and opened fire from Grad military equipment on the same day (as per Tajik official media sources). Moreover, a mosque in the “Babajan Gvorov”, region of Tajikistan was also bombed by using drones. This unfortunate incident resulted in the death of 12 people, including children, and the injury of dozens of worshippers.

Bombing schools, hospitals or worship places have always gotten immunity during wartime. Such moves are relatable to war crimes, which must be stopped on an immediate basis. The border situation between both states is yet unstable. In this aspect, the only solution is that Kyrgyzstan must adopt a diplomatic and cooperative attitude towards the dialogue process and remain true to the protocols of the ceasefire declaration. There is a dire need to resolve this issue and find a balance. A constant dialogue process can allow overcoming military interventions or provocations.

In this era, countries must shed the conventional nature of war and work for joint collaboration. Thereby, the international community and other regional partners must provide a mediation platform of dialogue to both countries. It is worth mentioning that Uzbekistan and Tajikistan have amicably resolved their border disputes through soft diplomacy, negotiations, and effective policies by President Emomali Rahmon.

His policies of regional cooperation and joint collaboration in many aspects have made him the most popular leader in the world. I strongly believe that Tajikistan, under the visionary leadership of President Emomali Rahmon, will soon resolve the border conflict. Tajikistan has always advocated for regional peace and played a highly significant role in joint prosperity with a forward-looking spirit. Kyrgyzstan must learn from the robust policies of the dynamic leader, President Rahmon and commence negotiation to resolve the border dispute.

TN Media News

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