DUSHANBE, 02.08.2022 (NIAT Khovar) – On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Tajik Paratroopers’ Day, President of Tajikistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Emomali Rahmon reviewed the military parade of the Airborne Assault Brigade held in Fakhrobod training grounds.

The parade marks the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the airborne assault brigade of Armed Forces of the Republic of Tajikistan

Before the beginning of the military parade of the Airborne Assault Brigade, he got acquainted with several types of modern heavy military equipment, modern weapons and ammunition, as well as auxiliary buildings and structures of the personnel of the military unit.

A certain number of parts of the Airborne Assault Brigade are constantly kept in Fakhrobod training grounds. The center is also used to train young paratroopers.

The military hardware shown in the parade included modern armoured fighting vehicles, MI-8, MI-24 helicopters, combat training aircraft L-39, AN-2, modern combat weapons, and ammunition.

Special tactical exercises demonstrated methods of organizing and planning operations of paratroopers, conducting ground and space reconnaissance, transferring forces and assets of battalion tactical groups of an air assault brigade to areas where combat missions are performed, capturing and destroying a terrorist base with special tactics and methods, by means of helicopters and aircraft at various heights and difficult hills by jumping and parachuting from the rear of the enemy, landing in tactical space with armed resistance, providing personnel with material and technical means, complete destruction of illegal armed formations and other anti-terrorist elements.

The Airborne Assault Brigade of Rapid Reaction Force is one of the reserve forces and has a number of important responsibilities in the international and regional arena. In particular, three of its battalions are part of the rapid reaction forces of the Central Asian region and its airborne brigade is fully part of the joint rapid reaction forces of the Collective Security Treaty Organization.

Иштирок дар таҷлили 25-умин солгарди таъсисёбии Бригадаи ҳамлаовари десантии Қувваҳои Мусаллаҳи Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон  02.08.2022


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