of Press conference of the Center for Strategic Research under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan on research and organizational activities for 2021 year

(February 10, 2022, 9.00. Dushanbe, Rudaki ave., 89, Center for Strategic Research under the President of Tajikistan, 4th floor)

The Center for Strategic Research under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan (CSR) carries out its activities as one of the analytical and advisory centers of the country in order to implement state strategies, programs and improve the mechanism of domestic and foreign policy conducted by the Government and the Founder of Peace and National Unity, Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan respected Emomali Rahmon. During the year 2021 the CSR carried out its activities within the framework of the approved work plans in the following areas:

  1. In the research direction

According to the plan of research works for 2021 the research in the following directions was realized:

  • National security and protection of national interests at the new stage of development of statehood of the Republic of Tajikistan: problems and strategic prospects for their provision.
  • Ways to improve national security and ensure competitiveness of the economy of Tajikistan.

In these areas, research was implemented on the following topics:

  • National, regional security and national interests of the Republic of Tajikistan: essence, content, evolution and political and legal aspects;
  • The essence and method of assessing economic security in modern conditions;
  • The political technology of interaction between state structures and civil society in the process of ensuring national security of the Republic of Tajikistan;
  • The structural transformation of the economy and the problems of innovative modernization of industry in the Republic of Tajikistan;
  • Features and basics of improving the foreign policy of the Republic of Tajikistan at the new stage of development of national statehood;
  • Analysis and evaluation of innovative entrepreneurship in the Republic of Tajikistan;
  • Public security: the content and its features at the new stage of development of the Republic of Tajikistan.

In 2021, the research work was discussed at the Center’s meetings, which allows for the submission of the Center’s research report that meets the requirements in due time.

  1. Academic Council and Scientific-Methodological Council of the Center for Strategic Research

The structure of the Center for Strategic Research includes the Scientific Council and the Scientific and Methodological Council. The Scientific and Methodological Council of the Center for Strategic Research is created in order to implement the unified state, socio-political, social and economic strategies of the country. Specialists from other organizations and institutions are also represented on the Academic Council. At the meetings of these councils, the results of scientific research and analytical work by the Center’s departments are regularly discussed.

Last year the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Center held a meeting on which the results of the annual scientific research work for 2021 and the five-year plan for 2021-2025 were summarized.

  1. Preparation and submission of analytical reports and information and analytical materials

Within the framework of research activities the specialists of the Center provided 197 analytical, information and analytical reports to the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Security Council and other ministries and state committees in total amount of 1773 pages.

These notes were prepared based on the results of research by the Center’s departments based on daily analysis and search for solutions to practical problems in various spheres of life in the Republic of Tajikistan.

  1. Participation in governmental commissions and working groups

The management and employees of the Center took an active part in governmental and public working groups on specific issues:

  • Interagency Working Group on «Quality Education» under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan;
  • Working Group under the General Prosecutor’s Office on «Strategy of countering extremism and terrorism in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2021-2025»;
  • Working group under the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Republic of Tajikistan: «Draft analysis of the situation on access and participation of persons with disabilities in health care, social protection, education, livelihoods and development of access standards in Tajikistan»;
  • Working group under the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Republic of Tajikistan: «National Healthy Lifestyle Program»;
  • Working Group under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan: «Development of the Tax Code in a new edition».
  1. Cooperation with public authorities, higher professional education and research institutions

The Center has established working consultative relations with ministries and agencies, public authorities, research institutes, including the Institute of Philosophy, Law and Political Science, the Institute of Economics and Demography, the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography named after Ahmadi Donish NAST, as well as with a number of higher education institutions in the country.

In 2021 the Center for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan hosted interns from the Institute of Tourism, Entrepreneurship and Service — 4, the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan — 32, the Tajik State Pedagogical University — 9, which totals 45 people.

  1. Cooperation with international organizations.

The Center under the governmental agreements is expanding cooperation with international organizations, including representative offices of the UN, OSCE, SCO, CSTO, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, International Monetary Fund, German Agency for International Cooperation, UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy (Ashgabat) and others.

The CSR under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan is also a member of the CSTO Analytical Center, the SCO Forum, and one of the founders of the OSCE Academy in Bishkek.

During the reporting period, the CSR has established working relationships with a number of foreign think tanks, including Russia, Kazakhstan, China, Afghanistan, India, Iran, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland.

  1. Scientific-practical conferences and round tables

In 2021 the Center was held 20 scientific-practical events, including 13 conferences and 7 roundtables on the following topics:

Round table on «State Vision and Strengthening State Independence» (18.03.2021), international scientific-practical conference «Economic Security: threats and perspectives» (20.04.2021), «Virtual meeting with the Center for Political and International Studies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran» (11.05.2021), round table on «Intellectual security in the national security system» (21.05.21), a joint scientific conference on «New points of development and strengthening cooperation between the Republic of Tajikistan and the Islamic Republic of Uzbekistan». (03.06.2021), the round-table discussion on the theme «Virtual space: opportunities and threats to national security» (8.06.2021), virtual videoconference on the theme «Uzbekistan and Tajikistan: prospects for mutually beneficial cooperation» (16.06.2021), round-table discussion on the theme «Opportunities and threats to national security», virtual international videoconference on the theme «Mutual understanding, friendship, open space — the basis for cooperation between Uzbekistan and Tajikistan» (17.06.20), virtual international videoconference on the theme «20 years of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO): memories and perspectives» (24.06.2021-24.06.2021), International forum of CIS experts on information security, international videoconference «20 years of the SCO: from regional forum to global recognition» (20.08.2021), research and practice conference «Emomali Rahmon — one of the founders of the SCO» (27.08. 2021), National Theoretical and Practical Conference «Economic security of the state: current state and perspectives for its protection» (24.10.2021), round table on the theme «Health care as an important factor of social security» (27.10.2021), National Theoretical and Practical Conference on the theme «Accelerated industrialization as a factor of innovative economy of the Republic of Tajikistan» (28.10.2021), National scientific-practical conference «30th anniversary of the State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan» (12.11.2021), roundtable on the topic «Soft power as a means of hybrid warfare at the present stage» (26.11.2021), round table on the theme «Ensuring economic security in the implementation of state programs with the involvement of public-private partnership» (3.12.2021), national scientific conference on the theme «Issues of development of state personnel policy in Tajikistan: status and prospects» (22.12.2021), national scientific conference «Results of economic sector of the country and its regions within the medium term development program for 2016-2020» (26.12.2021), national scientific conference on the theme of «Economic security of the country and its regions in the implementation of state programs» (3.12.2021). Republican scientific and practical conference on «Social security as an important factor of sustainable development» (29.12.2021).

In 2021 the Center staff participated in and made presentations at 7 international conferences and round tables outside the country: (29.06.2021), «Forum of young diplomats» (Kazan, Russian Federation, 28-30-07. 2021), International Forum «Central Asia at the crossroads of world civilizations» (Republic of Uzbekistan, 13.09.2021), International conference «30 years of the CIS: results and prospects» (Minsk, Republic of Belarus, 27.08-09.2021), International scientific and practical conference on the theme of «Cooperation of the CIS in the sphere of international relations» (Kazan, Russian Federation, 28-30-07. 2021). (Uzbekistan, 13.09.2021), International Conference «30th Anniversary of the CIS: Results and Perspectives» (Minsk, Belarus, 27.08-09.2021; International scientific conference «New Uzbekistan and regional partner in Central Asia» (dedicated to the 30th anniversary of state independence of Central Asia, Uzbekistan, 18.10.2021), International Forum «Youth of Tajikistan and Russia» (Moscow, Russia, 30.11.2021), International round table «Current state and perspectives of scientific cooperation between international and Russian Federation» (Moscow, Russia, 2021), International Conference «Youth in Central Asia» (Moscow, Russia, 2021).

In 2021, the Center became a full member of the Forum of Think Tanks of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA).

Reports on research activities were submitted to the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan and published in state and independent newspapers and magazines, as well as on the official website of the Center.

During this period, staff members of the CSR under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan participated in conferences, meetings, seminars and roundtables held by various national and international organizations, where they made 105 presentations.

  1. Publishing activity.

During this period 4 issues of the journal «Tajikistan and Modern World» № 1 (73) for 2021 with 25 articles, № 2 (74) with 26 articles, № 3 (75) — 24 articles, № 4 (76) — 25 articles were published.  The special issue of this journal is dedicated to the 20th anniversary of SCO and includes 38 articles.

The Center’s new academic journal entitled “International Relations and Security with 16 articles is edited and ready for print. In addition, all copies of the journal are available on the Center’s website in PDF format.

The Center has prepared a 60-page explanatory and propaganda material entitled «Message of the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the esteemed Emomali Rakhmon Majlisi Oli of the RT: the essence and main directions.

During the reporting period, five books were published – “Didgokhi dalatmehvar (by Hakim Abdullokhi Rahnamo, Dushanbe, R-Graph, 2021, 248 pp.) “Society and sociopolitical issues (by Khurshed Ziyoi, Dushanbe, Arjang, 2021, 280 pp.), “Thirty articles on sociopolitical issues (by Khurshed Ziyoi, Dushanbe, Arjang, 2021, 222 pp. ), «Improving the system of employment services in the Republic of Tajikistan» (by Saodat Jurahonzoda, Dilovar Kodirzoda, Dushanbe, «Arjang», 2021, 216 pp.), «State of education and science in conditions of state independence» (by Abdurahmon Kurbonov, Dushanbe, «Arjang», 2021, 354 pp.).

  1. Internet site of the Center for Information and Communication Technologies

The website of the CSR under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan ( functions on a permanent basis and contains scientific and analytical materials, news, reports, speeches, scientific articles of the journal «Tajikistan and the Modern World» and books of the CSR staff. During the reporting period, the site has posted more than 791 articles and scientific materials, notes and other information materials in Tajik, Russian and English.

In 2021 the Center staff conducted more than 430 interviews and speeches in the media.

  1. Advocacy and outreach work

In 2021 the management and staff of the Center took an active part in a number of political events, promotion and explanation of the President’s and Government’s policies. For explanation and propaganda both in Dushanbe city and in cities and districts of the country, as well as in public institutions and higher education institutions the staff of the CSR conducted more than 120 meetings and conversations.

                                        Press Service

 CSR under the President

of the Republic of Tajikistan

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