From the first days of independence, the President of the country, puts development of science and education, the study of modern technologies, strengthening of intellectual potential, and the formation of the language of science in the first place, considering education and knowledge to be one of the key areas of statehood.

At the same time, attaching paramount importance to the education of personnel and the strengthening of intellectual potential, he regularly reviews funding for the field of science that were aimed at fulfilling the strategic goals of the state.

In the speech of the Leader of the Nation, it was noted that according to statistics of the year of 1985, there were 868 candidates of science (PhD’s) in the structure of the Academy of Sciences, however, at present day, only 360 PhD’s are registered in this institution, which is almost 300 people less than in 1985.

Currently, the number of employees of the Academy of Sciences is over 2,000, including 32 academicians, 52 corresponding members, 190 doctors of sciences and 360 candidates of sciences (PhD’s). 1,500 young scientists are enrolled in training In the magistracy and doctoral studies of the Academy of Sciences, including 650 people or 43 percent in the natural, technical and mathematical sciences, and more than 100 young researchers work at the Academy of Science after completing studies and graduating in foreign scientific institutions and universities.

From the first days of the creation of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, to date, 56 dissertation councils and 15 expert councils have been formed in the country. Over the course of three years, 651 dissertations have been submitted to this institution. Of these, 415 theses were approved and 30 people out of them received the degree of doctors of sciences, 379 — the degree of candidates of sciences (PhD).

Significant progress can be made, if this powerful force and intellectual potential will be attracted to the development and prosperity of the different spheres of life, especially economics and industry.

In fact, the study of sciences, discoveries, and the correct awareness of the laws of nature require tremendous work and effort. In this field, success can only be achieved if you are engaged in daily self-improvement, reading books, researching, studying the theory and its implementation in practice. Focusing on this, the Leader of the nation correctly noted that the road to science was never easy and cannot be passed through without difficulties. To those who have chosen science as their profession, the performance of duties that are far from the chosen scientific topic, creates obstacles to obtaining scientific achievements. People must correctly recognize the philosophy of science, its essence and place in modern society.

Regarding the problem of plagiarism, the President of the country said in present day, with the development of the Worldwide Web, many dissertations and scientific works are being  published on social networks, and some applicants who want to get an advanced degree in an easy way, just reap them off without changing a single word.

Over 40 plagiarized scientists found by the “Dissernet” internet portal(network) are those who defended their dissertations at the Dissertation Councils on Economic and Social Sciences, including political science, law, and pedagogy.

It is known that some Tajik applicants, choosing an easy and beaten scientific path, widely used scientific dissertations of scientists from foreign countries to write their own work and claimed that it was fully written by them.

Of course, these situations cause the degradation of Tajik science and slow down the fundamental researches on important issues of public life.

The philosophy of science is expressed in a variety of true and erroneous concepts that offer one or another model of enlightenment and the development of science. It is aimed at determining the role, significance and specifics of science and distinguishes it from other types of educational activities.

The philosophy of science, regardless of what is aimed at studying the natural or social sciences, has the status of socio-cultural historical knowledge.

Naturalism in the philosophy of science suggests that philosophy of science has to be continuous with science itself and that it cannot produce useful a priori conceptual truths about explanation. Issues about the nature of explanation are scientific issues, albeit ones that certainly can gain from careful attention to clarifying the claims involved. Not surprisingly, the scientific issues surrounding explanation in economics vary according to the part of economics that is under scrutiny. Clarifying claims about economic explanation in the concrete can shed both light on the economics and on our philosophical understanding of explanation.

The government of the state actually realizes that over the past years, the natural sciences, without which the economic and social development of society is impossible, have not received equal attention in accordance with modern and future social needs and requirements.

Indeed, for a long time the Tajik people were considered prone to study only the humanitarian sciences (“Баски коми тоҷиконро бо сухан бардоштаанд…” (Baski Komi tojikonro bo sukhan bardoshtaand)” (Tajiks are committed to the word). Even the famous scientists, who have chosen physics and mathematics, as their primary aim, later in life would have change the direction of their research to the humanitarian sciences. And only wrote scientific material and defended thesis’s in this field. They completely pulled away, distanced themselves from their primary goals and objectives. This phenomenon is not natural and does not correspond to social needs, which are the basis of the requirements for determining the directions of scientific research. It is necessary to put an end to this situation at the level of making cardinal decisions. “Each and every single person is made for a specific cause” (Jaloliddin Rumi). “It is impossible to teach to write poetry” (L.N. Tolstoy). Specialists in the field of exact sciences can be counted on the fingers of one hand. They must be selected, cherished and educated.

The philosophy of science is made interesting because of the joy of research, the discovery algorithm, the dynamics of the development of scientific knowledge and research methods.

If the main goal of science is to obtain truth, then the philosophy of science is one of the most important areas of application of intellect for humans and a way to show their consciousness, perception, in the framework of which there is a polemic (discussion) about the ways to achieve truth.

Each person has three main types of thinking — scientific, fantastic and religious, but scientific thinking, the part of which is technical thinking, is directly related to the social and material life of people. And therefore, the development of this new type of thinking has a paramount importance for humans, especially for adolescents and youth.

It was noted that in the present conditions, i.e, at a time when conditions for the development of science were created, it is necessary to provide all reasonable means and methods for the free competition of science.

One type of activity that helps to increase the level of knowledge and enlightenment, mastery of eloquence, communication and attitude — is reading books. One of the greatest utterances that can be found in the scientific and fiction literature of the Tajik nation is the appeal “to the treasure of culture” — reading books.

The educational thinking of the Leader of the nation, the veneration of science, education, mastery and profession, the work of intellectuals, the constant and universal emphasis on promoting the pursuit of knowledge and gaining a profession and mastery need a separate study. This issue has theoretical, practical, and political features in the activities of the Head of State.

The head of state at all meetings constantly reminds about the book and reading books, focusing on the fact that all sectors of society, especially adolescents and youth, must read books, expand their horizons and know foreign languages.

The strength and power of the human mind depend on the number of books one has read. One of the greatest philosophers and playwrights of the world, Denis Diderot (1713-1784) said: «A person stops thinking if he stops reading books.»

A book — the source of wealth of myriads -,

Hurry to plunge into the world of knowledge!

The answers to all questions hidden there,

You will achieve desires of your soul.

Hey Nihoni, it is food for the mind

The book will make in culture revolution!

Scientists, historians and literary scholars were instructed to collect written monuments about the literature, history and culture of Tajiks in different languages, primarily in ancient Aryan, Hindi, Greek, Armenian, Arabic, Chinese and Russian. Translate them into Tajik and make them available to readers.


Rahimzoda Ramazon Hamro – Minister for Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan, Colonel General of Police, Doctor of Juridical Science, Winner of the Muhammad Osimi Social Science Award, current member of the World Academy of Collective Security Sciences

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